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Campaign with us

Together, we can make change

We have power when we all stand together and demand what we need. Join us and campaign alongside over half a million passionate nursing staff. Sign up to receive campaign news and opportunities for action.
A megaphone on a blue gradient background

What we're fighting for


Fair pay for nursing

It's high time nursing staff were valued for the safety-critical and highly skilled profession they trained for. Join us as we demand pay justice for every nursing professional.

Learn about our fight for fair pay


Safe staffing

From ending corridor care to setting safety critical ratios, we won't stop until every workplace is safely staffed. Help us protect nursing staff and the public.

Discover our safe staffing campaign

The hard work begins now for the new Westminster government

We're hopeful for change. But our demands must be met with action.

See what we'll be asking the government to prioritise in its first 100 days.

Image of Nicola Ranger holding up the RCN 2024 manifesto on a blue background

Moments of unity and action

A nurse standing in front of a Nurses' day banner

Nurses' day

On Nurses’ Day, we share stories from members, patients and the public about the transformative difference nursing staff make.

See how we celebrated

Nursing support workers standing together

Nursing support workers' day

Nursing support workers are the bedrock of health care. So, every autumn, we shine a spotlight on their vital contribution.

Thanking our NSWS

Nurses standing with a banner that says pride in nursing

Pride in nursing

#PrideInNursing is all about celebrating our LGBTQ+ members and promoting diversity, equality and inclusion in nursing.

See what's coming up

Winning change for the nursing profession

Our campaigning work has resulted in real change to the lives of nursing staff across the UK and their patients. We couldn't do it all without the thousands of members who've added their voice. Together, we make change happen.


Leading historic strike action

In 2022-23, for the first time in our history, we led our members on strike after they told us enough was enough, fresh out of the most testing time for nursing staff since the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. We remain in dispute with the UK government over nursing pay in all health and social care settings and continue to fight for fair pay.


Scrapping the immigration health surcharge

Thanks to our campaigning, the UK government scrapped this highly unjust fee for health care workers in 2020. It saw all migrants who came to the UK from non-EEA countries pay £400 a year for the NHS, whether they used it or not. This was set to rise to £624 a year. Our NHS was built on immigration. We stood up for our members and fought for equity.

Don't miss a beat

We need your expertise and passion to make our campaigns a success. Sign up to receive campaign news and opportunities to make a difference.

An RCN member with a sign that says it's time to pay nursing staff fairly